Of course, when I saw these bunny finger puppets I just had to make them. I usually don't post pictures of works in progress, but these are timely and since you can finish one in less than an evening, there's still enough time to make a whole warren of rabbits before Sunday. The two above are for my nieces. I did one with pink lining and one with purple, and I'm also debating embroidering the girls' names and a little daisy on the inside of each bunny's ear. I still feel like puppets need a little something else, and since I sliced my hand open the last time I attempted to make a pompom (I know, I know), I think I'll be forgoing the tails and raiding my stash to make the pretty collars instead. If I had time, I think I'd do some brown and black bunnies, too. They're seriously simple and fun to make. I'll post pictures of the finished product soon.
All this talk about bunnies has made me think of a few other things I want to share with you. Continuing in the crafty vein, I adore this Peep-themed Easter garland. It manages to be funny and pretty at the same time, and if I had a few more minutes to spare I'd be making it to decorate for Easter brunch. Maybe next year. And speaking of Peeps, if you haven't heard of the Washington Post's Peeps Show, you are missing out on some internet hilarity. Living in New Mexico I'm partial to slide 20, "Georgia O'Peep."
Finally, this New Yorker article reminded me of a beloved book from my childhood that I had completely forgotten about. I think I must have read The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes a hundred times--- yet I hadn't thought of it in ages until last week. The illustrations are totally charming and although I might have overlooked the message as a girl, I love the idea now: "plucky little girl bunnies who defy prejudice and believe in themselves can grow up to become fully actualized lady bunnies who raise smart, happy, kind children and do fulfilling work outside the warren." I cannot wait to share it with little G. when she's just a bit older.
Happy spring, everyone!
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