My grandmother, now 96, still gardens. She freezes and cans a good portion of her harvest and eats it all winter long. This is something I'm still in awe of, yet I've never become very knowledgeable about gardening. We did some container gardening last year that was moderately successful, but I can't really tell you why certain plants succeeded and others failed. The arid climate in New Mexico means anything I did know about gardening doesn't really apply anymore anyway. But finally having our own space, along with my longing for green things, has really motivated me to do it big this year.
Part of what attracted us to this house was the backyard, which has a mature fruit tree (plum, I think), several rose bushes, grape vines, lots and lots of wisteria, and some herbs and flowers. We saw everything last spring in full bloom and it was love. Now that it's spring again, I want to make sure I don't kill off what's already here. I'm attending a rose care workshop held by the local horticultural society this weekend and am hoping to learn a lot. Last year the only "rose care" I did was to carefully feed them a mixture of organic rose food, egg shells, and coffee grounds, only to have the dogs dig everything up, eat it, and fart it out all night long.
I also started seedlings a few weeks ago, anticipating that I'd be able to plant them soon. However, we've had an unseasonably cold spring (it snowed yesterday and this morning), so now I'm hoping that the seedlings don't get too "leggy", as my grandmother would say, and collapse before we transplant them.
For posterity's sake, here's a list of seedlings I've started. We'll be using a raised bed and containers for the vegetables and herbs, and many of the flowers were chosen because they'll attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees.
sweet pea(These seedlings already died. One morning we were commenting on how great they looked, and by the afternoon they had shriveled up. Strange.)- Bells of Ireland (sprouted)
- Dahlias (sprouted)
- Broccoli (sprouted)
- Bell peppers
- Yarrow (starting to sprout)
- Echinacea
- Gloriosa daisy
- Victoria Sage
- Columbine
- Foxglove
- Zinnia (sprouted)
- Basil
- Parsley
- Chives
Later, these will go directly into the ground/containers:
- Sunflower mix
- Carrots
- Corn
- Edamame
- Swiss Chard
- Spinach
So this is the list so far, in the hopeful days of early spring. I'm looking forward to documenting everything as it develops!
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